An Introduction to the Customer Culture Concepts
Includes an overview of the 8 disciplines of a customer obsessed culture
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This course is based on the award winning book, "The Customer Culture Imperative ".
It is designed for leaders at all levels of an organization responsible for creating the culture necessary to deliver great customer experiences.
Inside you will find 12 short videos from the world's leading expert on customer centric culture, Dr Linden R Brown.
In addition there are 9 downloadable pdfs that include a short description of best practices and discussion exercises you can use with your colleagues.
To help you test your understanding and knowledge there are 2 short quizzes.
Finally after completing the course you will receive a certificate of completion.
Your Instructor
Dr Linden Brown has worked as a management consultant, academic and an entrepreneur in start-up organizations. For more than 20 years he has worked with multi-national firms in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific to develop their market-focus capabilities and business strategies. He has had Visiting Professor appointments at several universities including INSEAD (France), Cranfield (England) and the University of Technology, Sydney (Australia). Linden has published 14 books on management, marketing and strategy.
Chris L Brown is the co-author of the award winning book, The Customer Culture Imperative. He specializes in working with companies to create customer-obsessed cultures and is currently CEO of MarketCulture. His previous post as Marketing Director for Hewlett-Packard, South Pacific Region provides him the firsthand knowledge of the challenges facing leaders trying to create a stronger external focus. Chris’s finance background and roles in marketing enable him to evaluate the profit-impact of culture initiatives and business strategies. He also served as Executive Vice President for Programming in Silicon Valley for the American Marketing Association.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat are the 3 key themes explored in the customer culture imperative? (2:33)
StartWhy the 8 discipline model was developed. (2:46)
StartKey Idea - What's best for the customer is best for the business. (5:39)
StartFounder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos on Customer Culture (0:50)
StartReading and Reflection on your own organization
StartCustomer Culture Quiz
StartWhat to expect next (2:13)